Pages of Márta Baranyai

Pages of Márta Baranyai

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Colors of Silence

Colors of Silence
Colors of Silence
I entered the competition "Colours of Silence" with this work created for this event.

The invitation included the following: "The main theme of the Colours of Silence competition is the graveyard as a park - the isle of silent meditation and contemplative stillness. We expect works of art that expressively describe the cosy, confidential mood of the springtime graveyard. The actor should show the colours of the park of the cemetery, visualise its green, lively world - focusing on a face of the graveyard we very rarely realise."


My work seems not the be in accord with the ideas of the owners of the competition, since the winner and the second-best also has quite a different atmosphere.

1st place
First place
2nd place
Second place - 1. picture
2nd place
Second place - 2. picture
2nd place
Second place - 3. picture
2nd place
Second place - 4. picture
The third awarded picture is a bit different from them.
3rd place
Third place
Please have a look at the pictures and size it up for yourself!
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